DEMA IR61K-A2; Designed to be used in LV, MV and HV facilities; It is a modern notification relay developed to provide convenience to the user with its advanced physical and functional features.

DEMA IR61K-A2; Designed to be used in LV, MV and HV facilities; It is a modern notification relay developed to provide convenience to the user with its advanced physical and functional features.

DEMA LTR-400; Designed to be used in LV, MV and HV facilities; It is a modern lockout relay developed to provide convenience to the user with its advanced physical and functional features.

DEMA T4CH; O.G. and Y.G. It is a thermistor relay developed for the protection of the temperature of electrical machines whose temperature should be kept under constant control such as power transformers, generators and motors.
Slide type thermistor relay realized for the first time in Turkey; universal auxiliary supply voltage range, 64 px x 128 px wide screen, 4 channel structure working with PTl00 sensors, tripping, internal fault monitoring, alarm, sensor failure, sudden temperature change and 2 fan outputs, optically isolated (4 - 20) mAoc analog output and RS485 port ready to be used in SCADA systems.

It is used to obtain flash voltage in control or notification systems. While the operation is monitored with two LEDs on the front of the relay, the flasher time can be adjusted with a transparent button. When the relay is energized, the output relay starts with pulling and then flashes according to the adjusted time.

Horn relays enable the acoustic signal (horn, siren, bell, etc.) in alarm systems to be activated and deactivated. These relays operate with short-duration (minimum 50 ms) pulses from IR101 and IR521 type alarm relays. When the impulses arrive, it pulls the coil, the horn locks itself over the stop button, and the horn is ringed through the other contacts. It is recommended that the contacts 15/18 and 25/28 energize the horn should be connected in series to extend their life.

It is a relay designed to be used in various command and warning circuits. When it is energized, it activates the output relay, and the activated relay releases at the end of the adjusted time. Reset is done by cutting the energy. The on and off of the relay can be monitored by LEDs. The impulse duration can be adjusted with the time button.

It is a time relay designed to be used in star-delta starting and all kinds of delay circuits. Thanks to the digital oscillator, the repetition error is very low. Since time counting is in the form of pulse counting instead of electrolytic capacitors, there is no change in time over the years. With the help of two LEDs on the relay, it can be monitored that the supply voltage is supplied to the relay and that the output relay is activated.

In plants with a high number of motors, in case of large voltage drops or short-term voltage interruptions, the contactors and thus all motors are disabled. If the voltage returns after a short time, the operation must be re-established and the motors must be re-commissioned. The ZR25 relay is a time relay that enables the motors to restart automatically in case of a short-term voltage interruption.